Whether you are working on a concrete floor or terrazzo, you can be assured that the ride-on floor scrubber will be able to give you the best results. This type of floor cleaner can remove dirt and dust, as well as polish. They also feature a powerful engine, which is useful in removing debris. These scrubbers come in different sizes, so they are perfect for different areas. If you are planning on buying one, make sure that it fits your requirements.
Unlike walk-behind floor scrubbers, the riding machine offers you the flexibility of moving through narrow and tight spaces. Moreover, you don't have to stop the unit to work on another task. However, it does need to be emptied after every use. Also, you need to choose the right size for the amount of time that you will be using it.
Depending on the size of your facility, you can purchase a smaller machine that is suitable for small walkways, lanes, and stairs. On the other hand, a larger machine can clean a large area in a shorter amount of time. Ride-on floor scrubbers can be found in many different types, from walk-on machines to ones that have a hybrid design. Some of the options you can choose from include disc and cylindrical scrubbers, and orbital high RPM scrubbers.
The largest model is the XP-R, which features a large solution tank. Moreover, this machine also features ergonomic steering and an anti-collision design. In addition, the machine is able to clean in cold winter temperatures. Lastly, the machine's low center of gravity design makes it a lightweight machine.
Another option you can consider is the D7. This scrubber is compact, but it can provide excellent cleaning in areas with high foot traffic. It is particularly ideal for cleaning areas with underground parking or in purifying workshops. Even top five-star hotels use this device to clean their floors.
Compared to walk-behind floor scrubbers, the ride-on version is a more powerful machine, as it uses a powerful suction system. You can also use it in conjunction with other floor cleaners, such as floor polish. Additionally, this type of scrubber is also a great alternative to traditional floor cleaners, as it provides the same benefits while being environmentally friendly.
One of the best features of this product is its ability to be used on a variety of surfaces, including terrazzo, vitrified brick, and wood. Moreover, it has a long expandable drain hose, which will keep the unit away from dangerous drop-offs. Having a longer hose will also allow you to control how you dispose of the solution.